Synopsis (from DramaWiki) :
Abe Haruko is a genius meteorologist and presents the weather forecast for the TV morning show, 「MorningZ」. She is an anti-social, blunt person, thus earning her the nickname "The Low-Pressure Bomb". With her extensive knowledge about the weather, together with the easy-going detective, Aoki Gota and the Medical Examiner, Mikumo Sanpei, she takes up the challenge of solving crimes.Cast:
- Takei Emi as Abe Haruko
- Okura Tadayoshi as Aoki Gota
- Sasaki Kuranosuke as Mikumo Sanpei
- Sasaki Nozomi as Hashimoto Akane
- Naito Risa as Furuya Ouko
- Nomura Masumi as Tsuchiya Midori
- Fueki Yuko as Haraguchi Ran
- Omiya Taro as Kahala Yuichiro
- Umefune Ariei (梅船惟永) as Sumino
- Suzuki Nobuyuki as Nakajima
- Nomaguchi Toru as Sometani
- Nishida Natsumi as Kurosawa
- Kouno Naoki (河野直樹) as Iwamoto
- Dan Mitsu (壇蜜) as Mitsuyo
- Kawashima Junya (川島潤哉) as Yagi
- Maruyama Tomomi as Endo
- Takachi Noboru as Kameoka Takumi
My impressions :
When I saw an announcement of this drama, I was exited for it. I also like Takei Emi. However, I realised that it was not what I expected.Otenki Oneesan is roughly 70% mystery/crime solving and 30% weather forecasting, based on the first episode. I was really looking forward for the weather forecasting and appearances on TV by the main character. Surprisingly for me, this was not the focus. It seems to be also about crime solving, using the theories of meteorology to find the culprits. The first episode we are introduced the main characters, an incompetent detective, an introverted meteorologist and a forensic medical specialist.
Meteorology could be use in an interesting way to find criminal. In this episode, Abe Haruko comes with the answer with almost no effort. The cases was pretty simple and short and does not let you try to guess who is the culprit. Abe Haruko comes and instantly solves the mystery. The first episode had to introduce every character and some time was spent on the TV morning show, so it is possible that this won't be the case later. I also really wonder if mystery cases involving sorely weather phenomena would be interesting for 9 episodes. I found that the bits about the TV morning show were very entertaining and was my favorite parts. Also, I found Sasaki Kuranosuke's role , the medical forensic specialist, was really interesting.
Here comes the question to whether I will continue watching this. Otenki Oneesan is not high on my priority list. However, the chance that I will continue watching it is high, because this is just the kind of drama that I like to watch while commuting. This is a light and simple crime solving , exactly what I like watching in the morning. I am not expecting very good crime cases, but the interaction between characters seems very funny.
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