Synopsis (from DramaWiki) :
Based on the manga by Nishimura Mitsuru and Kajikawa Takuro, this drama is about time travel. A chef by the name of Ken, somehow manages to go back in time to the Sengoku period. However, he loses his memory in the process. He is thought to be a spy, and in his haste to escape capture, he dives into the river. He is saved by Natsu, a swordsmith. He doesn't remember his own past, or the fact that he came from the future, but he remembers cooking well. He is soon recruited by Oda Nobunaga to be his Head Chef.Cast:
- Tamamori Yuta as Ken
- Oikawa Mitsuhiro as Oda Nobunaga
- Shida Mirai as Natsu
- Kashii Yu as Nazo no Onna
- Gori as Kinoshita Tokichiro Hideyoshi
- Ashina Sei as Kaede
- Ukaji Takashi as Mori Yoshinari
- Cunning Takeyama as Tokugawa Ieyasu
- Masana Bokuzo as Ashikaga Yoshiaki
- Inagaki Goro as Akechi Mitsuhide
My impressions:
"Nobunaga no Chef" is about exactly what the title is, about the chef of the great Oda Nobunaga. The main character played by Tamamori Yuta somehow time traveled back to the Sengoku period, where he used his cooking skills from our time to become Oda Nobunaga's chef.
For a historical drama, this one is not as serious. I found there was some flaws in the story, like "there's no way that would happen" or "that was so obvious", but it does not really matter since it's not really a serious drama and a little bit more comedic. The story of the first episode was also quite predictable. Even so, it was interesting because the theme is quite original and I am interested in what will happen next. Nobunaga's actor Oikawa Mitsuhiro was also very good. There is potential here to be a good drama.
I personally enjoy time travel drama like Jin , because of the knowledge of the main character about history. So, I will keep watching this one. It's actually my first time seeing Tamamori Yuta and Shida Mirai act. It's always good to see actors you haven't seen before!
If you like historical drama, you can always check this one out. However, I thought it had a different feeling from the normal historical drama. Also, if you usually don't like historical drama, you could give this one a try because of that.
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